Mabodofu https://bazurecipe.com/2020/10/22/至高の麻婆豆腐/ Mabodofu, a Probably Halal-converted Ryuji's recipe. 【Ingredients】(1 to 2 servings) Changes from the original recipe Chinese ingredients and ingredients that probably are not i…
麻婆豆腐(まあぼうどうふ) https://bazurecipe.com/2020/10/22/至高の麻婆豆腐/ リュウジレシピをたぶんハラール化した麻婆豆腐 【材料】(1~2人前) オリジナルレシピからの変更ポイント 中華食材や外国人の家になさそうな食材について(日本人じゃな…
I love youtuber Ryuji. Do you know him? www.youtube.com He is a famous cooking expert, he's published products and recipe books. Let me put up the cute Ryuji-san. https://www.youtube.com/c/リュウジのバズレシピ Reasons why I like Ryuji Why …